The river's wide, that I could not swim across it, so I convinced myself I'd walked upon the waves, but I don't want to waste my life.I wanted to feel as saved as they do, but the more I live, the harder to believe that their god above knows the first thing about love or goes along with every rule they make up. I don't want to waste my life, thinking about the afterlife.
Lover, won't you stay with me until the boatman comes for me and kindly carries me across
the sea? May our legends live to tell how we burnt down Heaven and conquered Hell. But you and I should live
forever, because you and I know how to live.
It's you and me. Our love is bigger than 'most everything. It stretched out further than our eyes could see
when you gave your heart to me completely.
Oh, everybody knows what it looks like to be in love. Even the boatman knows it's so but he still has to do his
job. I know it's tough, I know it sucks.
So lover won't you stay with me, til the boatman comes...
Because I don't care about the past or future, when this existence is probably all we have. And so the lives we
make are all that matter, so let's live to love and love to live.
So you say you've got a peace about it? Well, I propose you could live without it, because
we'd all love to invent the mystery, and we'd all love to deny the history, but love leads me on, lets me say
what I think; That we all belong to the earth and the sea. You say the truth sets us free? Sounds good to me!
Open up the pit! He swallows or spits, and I swallowed that shit for so long. Now what should I think of faith?
ain't noble or brave, and I don't need to be saved or chosen. Love leads me on, lets me say what I think: That
all belong to the earth and the sea. You say the truth sets us free? Well, it calls to me and it offers no
promises, because there's probably nothing more than this: "Just today."
So can you see that we are all where we belong?
Daughter, I once thought that I had angels in my room. They were sleeping on my fan while I
was dreaming of you.
And daughter, I once had such desire to believe that our lives had been planned out by an unseen deity, but you
don't have to waste your time holding on to beautiful lies.
Daughter, I once knew that everything that I believed was good, and fair, and true, and consistent with my
But daughter, I am wrong almost as often as I'm right. So daughter, just be strong enough to make up your own
because you don't have to waste your time, holding on to beautiful lies.
I'm on my best behavior and trying to avoid an early grave, but despite my best intentions, I'm bound to
you either way. So do you love me? Can you love me? Because I think I will always be this way and I think I
always be afraid.
Love me with no reservations and I promise I'll be good. You are my salvation, so let's pretend there's angels
singing, "Here's to you and healthy living! Take it easy." We make it easy. And I think that it's never gonna
change, and I think we will always be this way.
I tried a million times to understand it, and I thought I did. But at the bottom of this there is a panic, and I bought right in. But the problem with me and the problem with you is that we're all just so scared to die. But I know my time is coming. So let's bow our heads....for something, pray that god is on our side. But the pagan and the pious, they all sound the same, "Oh my god! Oh my god!" The problem with me and the problem with you, is that we're all just so scared to die. But I know my time is coming, I can't keep my time from coming.
Oh little baby, you are fragile and weak, so I will hold you til you fall asleep. I look
inside you and I see
myself. I will love you, I will try and be strong, though, my bones are aching and my days are long. You'll
inside me and you'll see yourself, as I look inside you and I see myself.
And one day you will look me straight in my eyes and judge me for the things I've been in your life. I hope you
love me when you know me well, because I look inside you and I see myself.
Long, long ago (back when the ocean was our home), we crawled out of the sea, so eager to
breathe. We looked to the
sky, and to the limits of our minds, to understand why all things die, and how we came to be. Thought we knew
we'd need.
But it's time to get off our knees and offer our hands up to the earth. And it's time, to find where we belong
see what it's worth.
Don't lay me down, I don't ever want to die. I've had too good a time, I really like it here. But all those
prophets promised me, that if I could just believe, eternal life and peace would be waiting for me. But when I
there will probably be no angels singing, no harps ringing, no pearly gates, nor devil's flames, just nothing
nothing nothing nothing. Wouldn't it be grand to take some comfort in those same holy texts that pacify my
Well, it wouldn't change the fact that all we know is we come and we go. So it goes, so it goes, so it goes.
Don't let me go, I'm not prepared. I'm so damned scared that I'm almost there.
The river's wide, that I could not swim across it, so I convinced myself I'd walked up on
the waves. The river's
wide, that I could not swim across it, so I told everyone I'd walked up on the waves.
But I lied, and I knew I'd lied, but I did everything I did to soothe the family pride and I just don't think I
keep it up now. Because I've never heard Jesus speak to me (not in any way that I'd consider speaking) but I
my head just the same. Though, I did find some tears when they played that song, but for the four right chords
will play along, I have always been that way. It doesn't matter what the lyrics say.
Into stronger arms we run, with a thorn in our side and the devil's inside. So who are we running from? Into
stranger arms we run. Such a thorn in our side, when the devil's implied. Oh what have we done?
So I tried and I tried to achieve belief. Maybe there is something wrong with me, but I've been feeling fine
fact, often better than fine.) Though, now both my shoulders have started hurting from walking around under
such a
burden, to reconcile everything that we learn with everything that we were taught. But with all we know now,
can you say "Oh you've just got to take it all on faith" and "Don't think too much. Just hush and pray, exactly
we've always done."
Hey god! Now I've got a baby girl. What am I supposed to tell her about you? Because her life shouldn't have to
like mine. She shouldn't have to waste her time on waiting on you, because you never do come through.
Sometimes I can't believe the things those preachers have the nerve to say to me, but maybe the things that I'd
have to say to them are really just as bad. Because the only times I ever thought of suicide, I was waiting on
lord to direct my life, saying "give me one word and I'll put down the knife and I'll never pick it up again."
luckily I held out long enough to see that everybody really makes their own destiny. It's a beautiful thing.
just you and me, exactly where we belong, and there's nothing inherently wrong with us.
I was screaming out your name. I guess you never heard me, but I was screaming it for
years, and I think I deserve
a reason for why you've been so elusive. Now I've been thinking about my life and I can't believe that I have
wasted so much time trying to be what everyone loves, the prodigal son returning. Oh, what a sight, the
son returning.
If Jesus Christ ever reached down and touched my life, he certainly left no sign to let me know he had. And I
wouldn't mind that he couldn't find the time, it's just that now my heart longs for things that probably don't
exist. But now I think I see this for what it is.
Oh my soul! Oh, my soul is tired, but I've got an itch to scratch, I've got a stone to throw, and I want to
sink my
teeth into your hollow bones. I've got a bone to pick, and I want to pick it clean! Oh, the prodigal son and
shameful disbelief.
I want something better. I want something real. And this is the part where my exit starts, because I caught a
glimpse of the father's heart. Do we want something we can't have? So come on, friends, count up your sins: one
being human, two for being born like this. This isn't love. We're not in love. If you wanted love, you just
should've spoken up.
I had a life of the spirit, now I've got a hang up on death. But I know what I want, I want a taste of the
flesh. I
looked at you and I saw it. I saw the light in your eyes and it filled up the room, it settled and grew.
I'm completely yours.
I tried to make myself perfect. I tried to make myself strong. And I walked in straight lines, hands by my
But you were the top of the mountain that I couldn't see from below, but I climbed towards the light, taking my
We filled a book with what Jesus said, so we could all disagree on what he meant to say. Do you know better
me? Well, if there's a chance the divine exists, I hope it can cure my soul of all of my sins, of all the
things I
did because I believed the myth.
I'll make a deal with Jesus Christ, speak just one word I can hear, prove your alive, and I'll believe you're
Well, I may as well just admit the truth. I have rejected holier spirits than you, it's no big deal, halelujah.
you could exist without it, because it stands to reason that if there's not a god to comfort you, then there's
a god to punish you.
Hey kids, tell them what you really think. Think it over. This is your life, don't ignore it. This could be
only chance to repent so get of your knees and adore it, the responsibility of empathy. We are all where we
Time is on our side because it moves slow. We search through the shadows of our souls to try and tame the demons we control, and searching for a god we'll never know, when everybody's probably going to be alright.